Well, I started out trying to help some guy fix a JC120, and ended up learning 5 things I never knew about power BJTs myself

If, on the way, i happen to be able to help somebody, good.
As of where this thread is heading, I *think* that many are being carried by perfectionism , trying to replace anything with an even better, improved part. (I'm also guilty, Your Honor).
The problem is, this amp was already *very* over-engineered to begin with !!!!
Those beefy parts for what's an 60W into 8 ohms power amp !!!!! Too much !!
I can easily get those same 60W with 60's technology 2N3055's !!
If I am allowed to say something, I'd think as a serviceman, not an "enhancer" or whatever.
A couple MJ15023/24 driven by Tip 32/32C already are overkill, even if no "extended beta", mesa technology or whatever.
And what about beta?: I find "typical values" usable. Designing only with statistically improbable minimum values, and stacking them in a row as if all would happen at the same time, is no practical.
Well, maybe in a Venus orbiting Space Station when the nearest service technician lives 60 Million miles away that is the safest bet, but in my own shop I would just repair one with regular parts and test it. If is measures up (which it will do on 90/95% probability), fine. If not, I'll replace the suspect.
I might buy a couple extra parts and , measure and use the best, if necessary, and have the amp through my front doors in short time.
Using typical values:
>44V/6.5 ohms (minimum impedance)= 6.5 A (Yeah , I *know* the 44V are only instantaneous until the supply caps discharge somewhat and besides that, I'll loose at least 4 V between a couple VCEsat and VBE losses that stand in the middle)
>MJ15023/4 beta at 6.5A = 32 - Base current =6500mA/32=203mA.
>TIP31C/32C beta at 200mA: around 160 Base current=200mA/160=1.25mA.
>The "VAS" (we call it the "Class A driver transistor", which it is), must supply those 1.25mA or more.
VAS idle state current: the same as the current in its load resistors (10k+5k6 or +4k7, depending on amp version)= 44000mV/15600 ohms=2.82 mA , more than double the amount needed.
I'd repair the amp with robust and easy to find "Swiss Knives" MJ(E)15023/24 and Tip31/32C, would fire it up, load it with a 6,5 ohms 75W or 100W resistor and drive it to the onset of clipping.
If I get nice, symmetrically clipped 60W (or 55, it's the same),I close the amp and write a bill.
If the positive top of the waveform clips much earlier than the bottom one (say 2 or more volts earlier), I try to better the upper half beta, either replacing the output transistor, the driver, or both.