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Need pot volume control for op pro preamp Ovation Guitar

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  • Need pot volume control for op pro preamp Ovation Guitar

    I need the pot that goes on the printed circuit board in the plug in preamp on the ovation guitar. Thanks for looking......Cap

    Full Steam Ahead.......sigpic

  • #2
    I have solved this problem.ovation is going to replace the defective module thank god.

    Full Steam Ahead.......sigpic


    • #3
      How'd ya get'em to replace *anything*? I have a CS257 flametop I bought new. The second time I used the preamp it died...onstage. Ovation wouldn't either replace the preamp or send service info for it....and it was under warrantee. So I said f**k Ovation and the thing sat in the case for 10 years. I got it out and repaired the preamp prolly about a year ago for no apparent reason.....
      The farmer takes a wife, the barber takes a pole....


      • #4
        O Hi GRT TECH I went back to the sellor of the guitar which ovation kept telling me to do
        and they finally agreed to replace it, no charge but ovation doesnt have any customer service as far as i m concerned. Cap.

        Full Steam Ahead.......sigpic


        • #5
          You can try Elderly, they seem pretty good about servicing Ovation warranty stuff. Pretty professional.


          • #6
            Problem Solved

            Jus received the new preamp module for my Ovation today in the mail
            wow what a nice sounding guitar hooked up with an amp.

            Sooo thanks for interest and thoughts. Cap.

            Full Steam Ahead.......sigpic


            • #7
              Hmm.....well good for you then. I talked to Ovation and they basically told me to buy a new preamp assy for 100$ bucks or piss off. DOn't remember if I talked to Elderly on it or not. Maybe they had enough ppl bitching at them that it caused them to change the policy. Ovations are meant to be used plugged in...they don't really cut it as an acoustic instrument.
              The farmer takes a wife, the barber takes a pole....


              • #8
                I bought my Ovation on ebay so I had recourse. no one likes bad stars.

                btw I jam with others with my med body ovation just fine with out amps.....


                Full Steam Ahead.......sigpic


                • #9
                  Well sure they still make sound, but those cereal bowl acoustics don't sound as full as a regular acoustic. Just a fact of life....they're stage instruments.
                  The farmer takes a wife, the barber takes a pole....


                  • #10
                    Tupper ware Guitar

                    OK You win I'll call it a tupper ware guitar.


                    Full Steam Ahead.......sigpic


                    • #11
                      Take a pill mahn....I wasn't slammin' 'em, just stating the fact that they were/are primarily intended to be used plugged in. Thats where they excell....
                      Same goes for the Telecoustic and other similar guitars.
                      The farmer takes a wife, the barber takes a pole....


                      • #12
                        Those ovations are made to project sound outward, gets more sound to a small audience than a conventional body. SO it is more a live act guitar than say a recording guitar.
                        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

