Not your average pop or click. It's a nasty oscillation type noise that lasts maybe 20 miliseconds. There's a DC component which jumps to about 5 volts then goes back to zero.
It doesn't have the noise suppresion circuit, which from what I gather is unobtainable.
I guess I could cut the ground trace to the headphone jack and install a relay delay circuit, but I wonder if it's a fixable thing.
LA preamp D.pdf
LA12 and LA15 Power Amp Rev A.pdf
LA 12 & 15 Noise Suppression Service Bulletin.pdf
It doesn't have the noise suppresion circuit, which from what I gather is unobtainable.
I guess I could cut the ground trace to the headphone jack and install a relay delay circuit, but I wonder if it's a fixable thing.
LA preamp D.pdf
LA12 and LA15 Power Amp Rev A.pdf
LA 12 & 15 Noise Suppression Service Bulletin.pdf