178 and 336? Both sahould be about the same. 336v on pin 1 tells me that side of the tube is not conducting.
Look CLOSELY at V4 from the top side. Each 12AX7 tube should have TWO little orange glowing heaters. Are BOTH of them glowing in V4?
Touching pin 2 of V4 SHOULD make hum out your speaker. That it does not indicates a problem right there. And the super high voltage on pin 1 agrees with me.
Look CLOSELY at V4 from the top side. Each 12AX7 tube should have TWO little orange glowing heaters. Are BOTH of them glowing in V4?
Touching pin 2 of V4 SHOULD make hum out your speaker. That it does not indicates a problem right there. And the super high voltage on pin 1 agrees with me.