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Not sending to reverb on Traynor YCV20

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  • Not sending to reverb on Traynor YCV20

    I recently had a bass player over to jam with and loaned him my Traynor YCV20. He forgot to use the standby switch when starting up. In the past, this has caused the reverb to not work until the amp is cooled off and re-started. I got the reverb to work once after he left, but now it is not working.

    I know the reverb is connected properly because I can thump the reverb assembly and get sound back through the speakers, properly modulated by the potentiometer dial.

    What could cause the reverb to stop getting a signal whenever the amp is started up without letting it warm up first in standby mode?

    They always warn you not to do that!

  • #2
    I have to say I cannot imagine why it would matter. I have flipped on many amps with standby already on and never had anything react like that. And certainly the many many smaller amps that don't even have standby switches do not act that way.

    But if it does it consistently, then flip it on. The reverb won't be working. SO we now isolate the problem, is it drive or recovery that is dead? Bump the pan, do you get spring crash or not? I suspect that part is OK, the recovery, but who knows. if the drive is not working, then check the voltages on the drive tube. Scope it to see if it is stuck oscillating or something.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      Enzo, thanks for the quick reply.

      Yes, when I bump the pan, I get sound, which is increased and decreased with the reverb pot dial. So the recovery circuit is okay.

      I'll open it up tonight and check it out as best I can with my multimeter. The reverb was intermittent for a few weeks and then went out completely. It's as if something just got tired.

      I have the service manual. And I have some spare EL84 tubes. Would it be one of those?

      YCV20 Service Manual


      • #4
        "The reverb was intermittent for a few weeks and then went out completely". Sounds like you have an intermittent connection and the standby thing is probably affecting it but not really related. Is there a footswitch for the reverb? If so do you get the same problem with or without the footswitch? There are no tubes that are reverb specific so they should not be an issue.
        Previous posts suggest you did some mods to the reverb circuits. I would suggest a resolder may be in order.
        Originally posted by Enzo
        I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


        • #5
          Right now, the reverb is working again.

          Here's what I did:

          I took all the tubes out and cleaned the contact legs. The reverb worked for a while and then quit.

          Next, I went through and looked carefully at the solders, which were OK, except for one transistor, which seemed to have very weak solder and no good landing to solder to.

          I replaced the cap in the reverb return, since that was the one I modded. And I tried to improve the solder of the transistor, but I think I just made it worse--not much solder is sticking.

          The reverb is working, but the amp seems to need a lot of warming up for the reverb to come on strong.

          No footswitch, by the way, for the reverb.


          • #6
            The problem seems to be the RCA cable coming from the board to the tank. When I switch the RCA cables, the unit stops receiving. So this indicates a bad cable.


            • #7
              Scratch that. I got new cables. Same deal. No send, but still intermittent.

              When the reverb works, I love it.

              Traynor suggested the cables and said: "Based on the conditions you have reported, I would say that it is most probable that the RCA signal cable is intermittent. I would dig out one of my extra RCA cables for the old home theatre and connect it to the reverb send circuit.

              If I am correct with this off hand diagnosis, let me know and i can arrange to send you a cable.
              If I am wrong, the problem will be an intermittent connection somewhere else in the reverb drive circuit, but I doubt that any actual electronic components have failed as long as you are able to have the reverb working from time to time."


              • #8
                Did you check the wires inside the reverb tank?

                There are wires that connect the RCA jack to the transducer coils inside the metal pan. These wires often break at stress points from vibration.


                • #9
                  Accutronics 4EB3C1B

                  Originally posted by 52 Bill View Post
                  Did you check the wires inside the reverb tank?

                  There are wires that connect the RCA jack to the transducer coils inside the metal pan. These wires often break at stress points from vibration.
                  Yes, it appears that the output is open inside, and that little coil is no longer solidly attached. I ordered a new reverb unit from Darren Riley.



                  • #10
                    It was the reverb tank all this time

                    I just got a new reverb tank, and it's awesome.

                    The buzz and noise is gone, but most importantly, it works!

