I couldn't find a 120-volt LED at Radio Shack. I found a number of different LEDs, some requiring a few volts, some 12 and others 30 volts, but nothing as high as 120.
Olddawg, there's plenty of room next to the switch to install the LED. I don't want to remove the phono pot because it would affect the amp aesthetically. It just wouldn't look right without the middle pot, given that it has a dial indicator there and such.
I'm debating trying to use the middle knob area as an FX mix. Any reason why I can't install a 1/4-inch jack in place of where the RCA jacks used to be? And if I wanted to create a 1/4-inch line out, where would I grab line level audio output?
I couldn't find a 120-volt LED at Radio Shack. I found a number of different LEDs, some requiring a few volts, some 12 and others 30 volts, but nothing as high as 120.
Olddawg, there's plenty of room next to the switch to install the LED. I don't want to remove the phono pot because it would affect the amp aesthetically. It just wouldn't look right without the middle pot, given that it has a dial indicator there and such.
I'm debating trying to use the middle knob area as an FX mix. Any reason why I can't install a 1/4-inch jack in place of where the RCA jacks used to be? And if I wanted to create a 1/4-inch line out, where would I grab line level audio output?