Yes, the current source supplies 6,5 mA; which translate into 650mV across 100 ohms, which I find *very* low even for audio type MosFets.
I would put a 1K trimmer there (set to 0 ohms) and *very carefully* increase its setting until I got, say, 33mV across each .33 ohm source resistor, equal to 100mA bias current.
I'd play until heatsinks get warm and check again .
If bias current kept the same or went down, I'd leave it there; if it went up, I'd lower it to said 100mA.
You can solder a 10uF cap across the trimmer legs.
If and when you re-rewind your power transformer to original spec, re-bias the power stage.
Good luck.
Pobre Chile, buena suerte es lo que le falta últimamente.
Un abrazo.
Juan Manuel Fahey.
PD: si alguna vez andás por Buenos Aires y querés hacerlo, traete la cabeza que le pegamos una revisada en mi taller, sin compromiso.
I would put a 1K trimmer there (set to 0 ohms) and *very carefully* increase its setting until I got, say, 33mV across each .33 ohm source resistor, equal to 100mA bias current.
I'd play until heatsinks get warm and check again .
If bias current kept the same or went down, I'd leave it there; if it went up, I'd lower it to said 100mA.
You can solder a 10uF cap across the trimmer legs.
If and when you re-rewind your power transformer to original spec, re-bias the power stage.
Good luck.
Pobre Chile, buena suerte es lo que le falta últimamente.
Un abrazo.
Juan Manuel Fahey.
PD: si alguna vez andás por Buenos Aires y querés hacerlo, traete la cabeza que le pegamos una revisada en mi taller, sin compromiso.