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1975 peavey classic filter cap

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  • 1975 peavey classic filter cap

    Hi folks i'm new here and have a quick question. i'm converting my old peavey classic combo in to a seperate head and i'm flipping everything that sticks out the bottom on to a new plate fitted on top of the chassis to give it the correct orintation in the head cab. whilst doing this i thought it would be worth replacing a few bits so i've got some new tube sockets and i want to replace the filter cap as it has to come off anyway and is 35 years old and the amp makes some really strange sounds. my only problem is that i know you can no longer get the exact part and i haven't got a clue what to replace it with. the old one has this on it:

    30 to 40 MFD 500 W.V
    30 to 40 MFD 500 W.V
    15 to 20 MFD 500 W.V
    15 to 20 MFD 500 W.V

    any help would be much appreciated

    thanks, John.

  • #2
    We answered this over at Peavey.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      thanks i've just seen it

