I like playing guitar and messing around with electronics so once a year i buy myself a defective amp.
A few weeks ago i bought a defective Polytone Mini Brute lll, lV, M-PA.
Here's the damage report:
When turned on the amp produces a loud hum
The bridgerectifier was blown (explains the hum)
Some wires have molten isolation
Someone replaced the powertransistors
Some parts on the mainboard are missing
So i'm looking for some schematics or some pictures of the board.
Can somebody help me?
I like playing guitar and messing around with electronics so once a year i buy myself a defective amp.
A few weeks ago i bought a defective Polytone Mini Brute lll, lV, M-PA.
Here's the damage report:
When turned on the amp produces a loud hum
The bridgerectifier was blown (explains the hum)
Some wires have molten isolation
Someone replaced the powertransistors
Some parts on the mainboard are missing

So i'm looking for some schematics or some pictures of the board.
Can somebody help me?