I somehow managed to buy two EV 7200 power amps at an auction for $15 for the pair. Lucky me. Well, they don't work. Not so lucky me. R65 is burnt. It feeds off the power supply to a relay and Q20 and Q21. Both amps have exactly the same issue with a burnt r65. I am somewhat competent around tube amps, and thoroughly incompetent with solid state. I know that r65 burnt for some other reason than old age. Any ideas? I have no idea how to test the relays.
The schematic is figure 6 on page 14 (page 13 of the pdf). R65 is 2/3 down the page.
Any help of any sort would be greatly appreciated.
The schematic is figure 6 on page 14 (page 13 of the pdf). R65 is 2/3 down the page.
Any help of any sort would be greatly appreciated.