I have a homebrew amp. It's a 2x6L6, 1 channel amp and it's fairly Fender-like with lots of extra bells and whistles. It is fixed bias amp with a bias pot for each power tube but also I have a switchable cathode biased mode. The PI is a typical long tailed pair.
I'm preparing for a long tour and I do a 'tech day' measuring every critical voltage and then some for (hopefully) trouble-free performance. I have an unusual problem that I've never seen before: In the power amp, on the plates of the power tubes, there is about a 30 volt difference, about 412 Vdc on Pin 3 of V7 and about 380 Vdc on Pin 3 of V6. I replaced the power tubes with a new matched set (same type) and this voltage difference at the plates remained exactly the same. Then, I reversed the new power tubes (plugged tube from V6 into V7 and vice-versa) to see if the voltage difference followed the power tubes or stayed at the same socket: it stayed at the same socket.
I re-checked the bias. Both tubes have -45.0 Vdc on the pin 5 grids, both tubes measured 29 mA via transformer shunt method. I removed the 6L6 power tubes and measured the resistance across both primaries of the output transformer - normal. Then I put back in the power tubes and put the amp into cathode bias mode. I then had 425 on both plates and 30mA current draw on both tubes thru the 510 ohm/10 watt cathode resistor - everything seemed perfectly normal in cathode bias mode with both plates reading normally.
I measured each part in the power amp and PI. The screen grids and grid stoppers all measured perfectly to spec (by the way, all the screen voltages were normal in both bias modes). The plate load resistors of the PI measured normal as did the cathode PI parts (470 ohm, 22k/ 1 watt resistors). All PI voltages seemed normal from previous measurements. I've used this amp continuously for about 20 years and have a ton of recorded data and voltage readings from benching it about once a year. It has been reliable and stable.
So my problem seems to be only in fixed bias mode at pin 3 of V6. What gets me is that the pin 5 grid voltages are equal on both power tubes and the current mAs are the same on both power tubes but I have a 30 volt difference at the plates of the power tubes - never seen this before. I'm thinking of replacing the tube socket at V6, where the low voltage is. What else could this be?
Thanks for your comments,
Bob M.
I'm preparing for a long tour and I do a 'tech day' measuring every critical voltage and then some for (hopefully) trouble-free performance. I have an unusual problem that I've never seen before: In the power amp, on the plates of the power tubes, there is about a 30 volt difference, about 412 Vdc on Pin 3 of V7 and about 380 Vdc on Pin 3 of V6. I replaced the power tubes with a new matched set (same type) and this voltage difference at the plates remained exactly the same. Then, I reversed the new power tubes (plugged tube from V6 into V7 and vice-versa) to see if the voltage difference followed the power tubes or stayed at the same socket: it stayed at the same socket.
I re-checked the bias. Both tubes have -45.0 Vdc on the pin 5 grids, both tubes measured 29 mA via transformer shunt method. I removed the 6L6 power tubes and measured the resistance across both primaries of the output transformer - normal. Then I put back in the power tubes and put the amp into cathode bias mode. I then had 425 on both plates and 30mA current draw on both tubes thru the 510 ohm/10 watt cathode resistor - everything seemed perfectly normal in cathode bias mode with both plates reading normally.
I measured each part in the power amp and PI. The screen grids and grid stoppers all measured perfectly to spec (by the way, all the screen voltages were normal in both bias modes). The plate load resistors of the PI measured normal as did the cathode PI parts (470 ohm, 22k/ 1 watt resistors). All PI voltages seemed normal from previous measurements. I've used this amp continuously for about 20 years and have a ton of recorded data and voltage readings from benching it about once a year. It has been reliable and stable.
So my problem seems to be only in fixed bias mode at pin 3 of V6. What gets me is that the pin 5 grid voltages are equal on both power tubes and the current mAs are the same on both power tubes but I have a 30 volt difference at the plates of the power tubes - never seen this before. I'm thinking of replacing the tube socket at V6, where the low voltage is. What else could this be?
Thanks for your comments,
Bob M.