Amp (JCM 2000 DSL 401) has developed a weird fault: power on light comes on, but valve pre-heater doesn't, so no sound.
Checked the fuses - both fine. Tubes look good. Can't do any more since I'm not confident to discharge the capacitors and avoid killing myself by working on it!
Think it must be cold solder-joints on the PCB or the bri...dge rectifier itself that's the problem. Surprised it didn't blow a fuse when it went, though. Any suggestions very greatfully received
Checked the fuses - both fine. Tubes look good. Can't do any more since I'm not confident to discharge the capacitors and avoid killing myself by working on it!
Think it must be cold solder-joints on the PCB or the bri...dge rectifier itself that's the problem. Surprised it didn't blow a fuse when it went, though. Any suggestions very greatfully received