Hey guys, I've posted about this amp a time or two, but I've got an old Peavey Butcher and I'm in the process of adding a bias circuit to it. I think the way I set it up is of little consequence to what I'm seeing, but I'll describe it anyways. I used the same process this gentleman did Half Nrrdy, Half Music, Half Absurd – Always poor at Math » The Peavey Butcher There's a 47kOhm and 470Ohm resistor creating a voltage divider that supplies the bias voltage. I replaced the 470Ohm resistor with a 1KOhm pot. The problem I'm having is that I'm just not getting enough current. When I completely peg the pot, so it's a short, the most current I get is ~125mA for the four tubes. The voltage at the grid resistor is ~-56V. Can weak tubes cause this sort of problem?