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Epiphone Galaxie makes buzzing noise

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  • Epiphone Galaxie makes buzzing noise

    I have an Epiphone Galaxie 10 that makes a buzzing noise that seems to be related to the volume pot.

    Let me explain, with nothing plugged in and all knobs at 12 o'clock it makes a buzzing noise. If I turn the volume knob all the way down the buzzing goes away. Turning it back up, once I get past 2 it starts buzzing again and the buzz is constant (not gaining in volume) till its turned up past 8 then it starts to go away and is almost gone at 10. With the amp buzzing I can turn all the other knobs and nothing else affects the tone or volume of the buzz.

    I have tried a couple different preamp tubes and that made no difference. I tried to clean the pot out with some deoxit, that made no difference. The components in the amp all look fine physically.

    Here is a copy of the schematic:

    What might be wrong? What should I check first?

    Im not an EE but I'm handy with a soldering iron and I have no problem poking around in a tube amp safely.

  • #2
    Anyone have any ideas.


    • #3
      NM. It was a bad pot. Ran to rat shack, got something close. Buzzing is gone.

