So the other guitar player in my band has a marshall 6100LM 30th anniversary head and we felt it was time to retube it. I recently got a set of JJ's 6l6's from Eurotubes to replace the old 6l6's that were in it. Just for testing purposes a set up the rig including connecting the speaker cab and I used my old SRS bias socket attatched to my DMM to see how the old tubes read and they were at about 25mv. I put in the new tubes and powered up the amp with the bias socket still in place to measure and bias the new tubes and "pop!" I blew the fuse next to the power plug. I went out and got a few new fuses and tried again and got no power at all this time. I checked the three fuses that are accesable from the back as well as openeing up the amp and checked the fuses inside. I the glass ones look fine and read continuity on my DMM. One of the interior glass fuses, the one closest to the power plug input, does show continuity however it looks to be filled with sand!? is this normal?
What else might be going on here. I hope this is enough information for you to help. Please let me know if there is more I can provide that may steer me in the direction of a fix. I am very frustrated here
What else might be going on here. I hope this is enough information for you to help. Please let me know if there is more I can provide that may steer me in the direction of a fix. I am very frustrated here