Finally got around to finishing up this old basket case of a Panaramic 2x7591 combo I've been messing with on and off for a while. Everything is sounding great except for one of the output tubes screen starts glowing when I have it cranked up and hit a chord. Bias is set at 33ma with 393v on the plates. Plate dissipation for the 7591 is 19 watts. Screen current is 4ma at idle and 13.5ma at full signal (max is something like 30ma). This was calculated by the voltage drop across the 2.2k screen resistors I just put on divided by the resistance. Both screens were glowing badly initially, but with the screen resistors only one is glowing now, and only at cranked, full output. Should I go higher with the screen resistors, or is this maybe a faulty tube?
The screen resistors deffinately helped, but the fact that there is still a noticeable surge of current through the screen when I really get on it tells me something is not right.
Any help is, as always, most appreciated...Cheers>>>
The screen resistors deffinately helped, but the fact that there is still a noticeable surge of current through the screen when I really get on it tells me something is not right.
Any help is, as always, most appreciated...Cheers>>>