I've fixed several of these popular amps by just replacing all the T0-3 transistors. This one came to me with cardboard home made insulators made out of a cereal box, the power switch alligator clipped into the circuit and the fuse holder missing and short circuited. Also when he put the outputs in, he switched one of the NPN's and PNP's.
I was able to just pull the transistors out off the board because he didn't solder the transistors back in, even though the solder "mounds" were still there around the leads.
I diode checked all the outputs, drivers, diodes, and small transistors. All the power resistors measure good.
I did replace one of the T0-3 transistors with a new one. The rest are the originals. I know, I know, not a good idea, but I was just curious. Anyway.
I can only bring up AC input up so far before the amp starts to draw about 2 amps.
AT that point, both the 60 volt and the 80 volt supply are producing + / - 15 volts each.
So, here's the question. If I can get + / - 15 volts from both supplies, what is that indicating? Thanks for your time!
I was able to just pull the transistors out off the board because he didn't solder the transistors back in, even though the solder "mounds" were still there around the leads.
I diode checked all the outputs, drivers, diodes, and small transistors. All the power resistors measure good.
I did replace one of the T0-3 transistors with a new one. The rest are the originals. I know, I know, not a good idea, but I was just curious. Anyway.
I can only bring up AC input up so far before the amp starts to draw about 2 amps.
AT that point, both the 60 volt and the 80 volt supply are producing + / - 15 volts each.
So, here's the question. If I can get + / - 15 volts from both supplies, what is that indicating? Thanks for your time!