I'm confused by the differing results of the direct plate current measurement vs cathode resistor measurement vs bias probes measurement with this Supro Golden Holiday. The amp is dual 6v6, 5y3 rectified, cathode biased. I'm missing the boat somewhere cause I've never experienced these drastically different results before! Hopefully one of the kind resident experts can enlighten me. I'd sure appreciate it.
Here's the data:
SCREEN v:260.3
SCREEN Current: 8.7ma
LT 6v6 PLATE to CT:248 ohms
RT 6v6 PLATE to CT:462 ohms
LT PLATE v: 277v - CathodeV= 268.8v
LT PLATE v drop: 42v
RT PLATE v: 262v - CathodeV= 253.8v
RT PLATE v drop: 57.2v
LT PLATE current: 42v/248ohms=169ma??
RT PLATE current: 57.2v/462ohms=123ma??
CATHODE Voltage: 8.2v
CATHODE Resistor: 200 ohms
TOTAL CATHODE Current:41ma(/2 = 20.5ma per tube)
BIAS PROBE reading LT 6V6: 76ma???
BIAS PROBE reading RT 6V6: 77ma???
What gives?
Here's the data:
SCREEN v:260.3
SCREEN Current: 8.7ma
LT 6v6 PLATE to CT:248 ohms
RT 6v6 PLATE to CT:462 ohms
LT PLATE v: 277v - CathodeV= 268.8v
LT PLATE v drop: 42v
RT PLATE v: 262v - CathodeV= 253.8v
RT PLATE v drop: 57.2v
LT PLATE current: 42v/248ohms=169ma??
RT PLATE current: 57.2v/462ohms=123ma??
CATHODE Voltage: 8.2v
CATHODE Resistor: 200 ohms
TOTAL CATHODE Current:41ma(/2 = 20.5ma per tube)
BIAS PROBE reading LT 6V6: 76ma???
BIAS PROBE reading RT 6V6: 77ma???
What gives?