One of my old Selmers (TnB50) is acting a little funky. If I try to measure voltage on one of the power tube plates (3), I get a weird buzzy static-like sound through the speakers and it only reads about 35V. Doesn't matter if I wiggle the tube around, probe different parts of the tab etc. The other tube plate reads just fine, @ 430. Screens (4) on both are the same, @ 415, and both tubes read just fine for bias voltage (across 1 ohm resistor) within a few mA of each other. It doesn't matter what tubes I use, same thing on the one socket. I measured resistance from ct of OT to each side and it's within 5 ohms per side. If I pull the power tubes completely and power on, the voltage is obviously higher but then - and only then - it is the same on both sockets (pin 3) as it ought to be. Only when I stick in a tube - any tube, all known good tubes - does it act weird. The amp makes sound just fine, although it sounds a bit weak compared to others of the same amp I have. I don;t think it's making full volume. It's not making weird noises or anything, though. I've retensioned and cleaned the sockets more than once also.
Any ideas? I can't see any signs of arcing or anything being burnt etc, and no crackling when I wiggle the tube around.
Any ideas? I can't see any signs of arcing or anything being burnt etc, and no crackling when I wiggle the tube around.