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Peavey F-800G Super Festival Series Amp goes from bad to worse...

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  • #16
    Peavey F800 Manual

    Here is the complete manual.
    Attached Files


    • #17
      Haha! @Erik - I use Halted and Jameco for the most part, but their not always convenient so I make pit stops over at Frys from time to time, but I'll definitely check out Anchor! I've replaced all of the e-caps on the preamp and voltages seem to be lining up with the schematic again. I can't find anything suggesting whether the foot switch is needed or not, but I'm building one per customer's request. He didn't have one either. Voltage on the FETS obviously isn't switching at the moment so I'm hoping the foot switch is the answer.


      • #18
        You don;t need to build a FS for this test, ground a clip wire and touch it to the footswitch points on the schematic.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #19
          Aww! good to know. I went ahead and built the box anyway. CST is stoked! I switched out the 2.2' e-caps and 100uf's as well. I had a couple sitting out anyway. Sadly now the amp has low distorted output. I crank the volume all the way up just to barely get signal. I used an audio probe and found spots on the board where the signal cleans up again but is still somewhat low compared to the umph it had before. That could just be the audio probe too tho, pretty grass roots lookin'. Thanks for all the help on this one. It's funny, I've worked on some nicer stuff over the last couple of weeks that would be seemingly twice as complicated and quickly was able to service them, but this guy is still hangin' around. Did I install a new cap backwards, possibly? Checking the test voltages noted on the schematic again...


          • #20
            I was able to get the amp back again. Tested good on fuzz, overdrive and reverb, still no phase and tremolo... any suggestions?


            • #21
              I actually have one of these here right now and was wondering if a footswitch is needed for the fuzz to be operational.


              • #22
                It looks that way. I was able to test the different fx grounding the leads that go to the footswitch as mentioned above by Enzo. I made a footswitch and now the fx work but only when the footswitch is connected..


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SYSDOA View Post
                  It looks that way. I was able to test the different fx grounding the leads that go to the footswitch as mentioned above by Enzo. I made a footswitch and now the fx work but only when the footswitch is connected..
                  cool, thanks for the info!


                  • #24
                    Hey, Fix mine! Please!

                    jim diamond


                    • #25
                      Hi JPB,

                      I have an issue with my F800 G and canīt download the schematic anymore, could you please send it to fidel.m (at sign) ?
                      Last edited by Boss; 05-02-2020, 08:04 PM. Reason: removed uneeded quote


                      • #26
                        Here is a repost of the schematic:


                        • #27
                          Peavey Festival 220 Series Head

                          Hi all, just after opinions on what price would be reasonable for a Festival 220 Series (110 watt) head with "unknown" quad box. They are being auctioned together by local auction house in Sydney Australia. They plugged the amp in & it's getting power (light came on) but I cannot test it with guitar/signal. Anyone have experience with this head? With reverb & tremolo similar to Fender twin reverb. I'm thinking about $60-$70 Aus for both....thanks Mark.

