Working on this for a friend. D.C. voltages on the 6au6 are as follows:
pin 1: -0.47v
pin 2: 0v
pin 3: 0v
pin 4: 0v
pin 5: 69.8v
pin 6: 44.7v
pin 7: 0v
There is A.C. heater voltage present and the tube lights up. Tried two other replacement tubes (from Antique...) and they yield similar measurements.
Link to schematic: Prowess Amplifiers - Misc - Schematics - Harmony 415
Amp has had electrolytics replaced, and voltages (other than this circuit!) are reasonable, if not surprisingly close to the schematic! It sounds great, but the trem won't work. (didn't work before the re-cap either...). I have tried it with a pedal, and have swapped out all the caps in that part of the circuit, and changed several bad resistors, all to no avail. I'm now in over my head, so any help looking at this problem is greatly appreciated!!
pin 1: -0.47v
pin 2: 0v
pin 3: 0v
pin 4: 0v
pin 5: 69.8v
pin 6: 44.7v
pin 7: 0v
There is A.C. heater voltage present and the tube lights up. Tried two other replacement tubes (from Antique...) and they yield similar measurements.
Link to schematic: Prowess Amplifiers - Misc - Schematics - Harmony 415
Amp has had electrolytics replaced, and voltages (other than this circuit!) are reasonable, if not surprisingly close to the schematic! It sounds great, but the trem won't work. (didn't work before the re-cap either...). I have tried it with a pedal, and have swapped out all the caps in that part of the circuit, and changed several bad resistors, all to no avail. I'm now in over my head, so any help looking at this problem is greatly appreciated!!