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Champ Silverface Question

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  • Champ Silverface Question

    Hey guys, hope you can help me.

    I have 1974 Silverface Fender Champ.

    Volume pot is a little stiff.

    Were is the best place you guys buy parts from, and what type/shaft/style/make/rating do I need. I think it is 1M audio but not sure.

    Also, since I am asking questions, what is the best 8" speaker for this amp bang for bucks wise (stock is 8" correct?). I like blues music and will be playing with both strats and humbuckers.

    Thanks you for any help/posts/links

  • #2
    Hoffman is probably the easiest to order from for a newbie needing Fender amp parts. I would try some deoxit on it before replacing it.

    For speakers, Weber has some good options and none of them are terribly expensive. I put a Weber in my '65 Vibro Champ and it is nice an raunchy, but I don't remember which one.


    • #3
      Thanks gibson. I see site, but they have long shaft, short shaft, split shaft, plastic shaft, alpha, cts, and on and on.

      I am kind of looking for exact replacement. I have some electronic contact cleaner (Radioshack) for quite some time. I had pot on fender strat and this did no good, so figured when they got stiff that was it. I have used the RS cleaner for noise in the pots, and it worked fine for that.

      I have never heard of deoxit. I will have to google that stuff.

      Just kind of looking for exact part, or maybe a push/pull as may do a mod in future, or both if I make order, as shipping is what usually kills you?

      I wish you remembered what speaker the weber was (raunchy sounds good to me). I know I have priced out the weber sig models, and the alnico has no ribs, some ribs, more ribs. The more ribs the cleaner (from what I have read).

      The speaker in the amp now is not stock, it is a Peavey Blue Marvel (3.2 ohm.), and I can not find much information on it. Peavey no longer has it on their site. It stays pretty clean with strat pups, but does not have much sparkle to it, and not any raunch either. I know a lot of people like Peavey, but I am not sure this is the right speaker for this amp?
      Last edited by Newguy; 12-07-2010, 07:04 PM.


      • #4
        If you want original, I would clean the existing pot. The Deoxit usually does the trick. There is not much to those pots. You can bend the little metal tangs apart to disassemble, clean everything and put it all back together without much problem if you really have to, but you probably won't.

        If you have to replace it, the resistance, taper and shaft length are the only critical things. Once the knob is installed, who's to know if it has a metal or plastic shaft?

        I just have limited experience with speakers for these. The Weber speaker is thick and chunky sounding. I have a 75 Vibro Champ with an original CTS speaker. That one is clean and sparkley.

        If you want to have some fun, take an adapter with a male RCA connector on one end and female 1/4" connector on the other end and plug a speaker cable into it. Plug one end into your Champ output and the other end to a Marshall 4x12 cabinet set to 4 ohms. Crank it up and enjoy.
        Last edited by Gibsonman63; 12-07-2010, 07:55 PM. Reason: fat fingers


        • #5
          I think Mojotone and Marsh amps tries their best to stay true to the spirit of Leo Fender. I ordered some stuff from Marsh amps a while back. They don't seem to stock things like big vendors do, but I got my stuff eventually, Mojotone stuff actually. Well you do the math. ;-)
          In this forum everyone is entitled to my opinion.


          • #6
            The Jensen C8R 4 ohm is a great spkr for blackface or silverface champs. I dont like all the Jensen reissue spkrs, but that is a good one.


            • #7
              Check your local RadioShack.
              They carry Deoxit in a small dispenser.


              • #8
                Thanks guys, please keep opinions on the speakers coming.

                Please describe the tone, the best you can on speaker recommendations.

                1 for Weber (unknown model)
                1 for Jensen (C8R)

                Any one have info/link for volume pot.

                Also, I have been told lifting one end of the 6.8k resister on bass pot gives more gain, but can some one describe the tone change? If you lift the resister, can you still get a clean tone at lower volumes?

                Any links to champ tweed mods or speakers, please post. I want to read all I can.


