Hi guys,
below is an image of the wiring for my 2:90 poweramp.
Is it an export transformer?

I would like to rewire the amp to work in 230v mode.
I notice that there are 4 taps for the white wire, 100,117, 230 and 240.
To make it 230v, do I unsolder the white wire and shift it to the adjacent 230v/100v tap above it? currently the white wire is wired to 117+240 taps.
In addition, do I move the gray (wire to fuse) and black (wire to power ground) to the export primary track (the white line below the 117/240 voltage tap).
I would need to replace all fuses to support 230v.
let say its 6.5A for one of the fuse, do I change it to a 4A fuse?
below are some schematics i found online

below is an image of the wiring for my 2:90 poweramp.
Is it an export transformer?

I would like to rewire the amp to work in 230v mode.
I notice that there are 4 taps for the white wire, 100,117, 230 and 240.
To make it 230v, do I unsolder the white wire and shift it to the adjacent 230v/100v tap above it? currently the white wire is wired to 117+240 taps.
In addition, do I move the gray (wire to fuse) and black (wire to power ground) to the export primary track (the white line below the 117/240 voltage tap).
I would need to replace all fuses to support 230v.
let say its 6.5A for one of the fuse, do I change it to a 4A fuse?
below are some schematics i found online
