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Need schematic and parts for AVT150

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  • Need schematic and parts for AVT150

    I am a newby here and a rookie as far as electronics go so if you all would bear with me I would really appreciate it. I purchased an avt 150 cheap and I opened it up and it appears that the components on heat sink are no longer there can somebody send me in the right direction as far as finding these. The preamp tube was not getting hot replaced it and now it does appear to be working. Thanks alot fellas
    Last edited by tboy; 12-21-2010, 09:57 PM.

  • #2
    You can get them here, if you're in the States.
    Make sure you discharge the preamp at CN102 or CN103. I use a 240v bulb, it will glow for about 6-10 seconds by which time it will have dischaged the caps. Just check the voltage across these pins.
    If you plug new modules on to the amp without discharging th preamp, it will blow the TDA7293's as soon as you switch the amp on, it may well blow them as you are connecting them, if you haven't discharged. BEWARE, there is a hefty voltage across these pins, and it will hurt you. Check check and doulble check!!!

    Output Driver PCB Module with TDA7293 for Marshall Amps:Catalina Guitars
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Output Driver PCB Module with TDA7293 for Marshall Amps:Catalina Guitars


      • #4
        OOh, those guys are expensive.

        Try Parts is PArts at here is a similar module.
        power module mg100 dfx

        CONTACT them and ask what they get for the AVT module, it has different connectors. Make sure to insulate the thing from the heatsink.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #5
          alrighty gents thank you for your help can I ask 1 more favor from you? can you give me a list of everything I should check so I dont toast the components?


          • #6
            When installing these modules, the main thing to watch out for is Do Not plug in the connectors until the power supply is drained.
            I do not know what it is but I can tell you (don't ask) if there is voltage on the power pins it will fry them when you insert the connector.

