Mr Fahey, I just put together an anti-surge extension with both sides of the circuit going into a differential then just the + out through a 'termico' - would that be a thermal protection circuit? - then I also connected the ground from the extension to a 3 pin plug, so that where there actually is a ground connection with a ground pin there will hopefully be a ground connection for anything hooked up to this little rig.....then I made the cable for the external ground connection from slightly thicker cable than you recommended, connected one end to a chassis mount point on the amplifier, then the other end via a large alligator clip to the water tap in the kitchen of our flat. The result - no more hum (apart from what gets picked up from the refridgerator) !!!!!!!!! And my guitar strings no longer tickle my finger and palms, and the guitar's controls also do not cause popping when touched - sheer genius on your part Sir, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Aside from that, I will let you know how this rig fares on the actual gig this weekend. I plan to incorporate this into a pedal board I am designing - this would have made my life so much simpler had I had this setup whilst still in Spain
Now the sad part - when I tried to explain the importance of this setup to our bandleader/keyboard player - our singer chimed in and started to bemoan the number of times he had got a belt from a microphone on stage, and the bandleader just ignored both of intention is to plug everyone's gear into this rig, but when I go home I need it there, for the sake of 300 Bv - about $47US, he is willing to put his own and everyone else's life at risk because he says he has 'never heard of anyone dying in Bolivia from an electric shock on stage or in a club during a performance...' what a stupid and ignorant attitude! And we are talking about a worship leader with full responsability for anything that goes amiss...
I wish I could provide him with some written statistical information that could show him how incredibly misinformed he and the other musicians who trust their lives to fate whenever they plug their instruments into the mains supply with no ground are. Any such information, especially in Spanish please send me the links or files or whatever - a Youtube link might be the best and most potent delivery of my point however....I don't have time to search right now.
Aside from that, I will let you know how this rig fares on the actual gig this weekend. I plan to incorporate this into a pedal board I am designing - this would have made my life so much simpler had I had this setup whilst still in Spain
Now the sad part - when I tried to explain the importance of this setup to our bandleader/keyboard player - our singer chimed in and started to bemoan the number of times he had got a belt from a microphone on stage, and the bandleader just ignored both of intention is to plug everyone's gear into this rig, but when I go home I need it there, for the sake of 300 Bv - about $47US, he is willing to put his own and everyone else's life at risk because he says he has 'never heard of anyone dying in Bolivia from an electric shock on stage or in a club during a performance...' what a stupid and ignorant attitude! And we are talking about a worship leader with full responsability for anything that goes amiss...
I wish I could provide him with some written statistical information that could show him how incredibly misinformed he and the other musicians who trust their lives to fate whenever they plug their instruments into the mains supply with no ground are. Any such information, especially in Spanish please send me the links or files or whatever - a Youtube link might be the best and most potent delivery of my point however....I don't have time to search right now.