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Bugera Amps

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  • Bugera Amps

    I was reading the "other" Bugera thread, and it made me wonder......
    I hear a lot of complaining about these amps breaking down. I also seem to hear a lot of guys say how great they sound.
    Do Bugeras really fail more than other amps in that category.? I am talking about the Percentage of failures, nut the Number of failures. All else being Bugera Amps have more problems than other amps do.?

  • #2
    Not really. Like anything else, you sell a million of something you see more dead ones than if you sell 10,000.

    The company already identified and bulletined the power transformer wire connector that fails, and they updated their manufactury for that. otherwise, the only real common failure I see with them is the solder failure on the inrush limiters on the AC Mains board.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      I get a lot of these amps through my shop. What I offer the, usually young metal players who use them, is that the amp has every spade connector removed and the wire soldered into place instead. Then I also check every joint, check bias, and check out the tubes. If the tubes are dead, I have a spare box of 80-90% good power tubes that I am asked to replace, which I install for them for free, as the job of high school student / metal guitarist doesn't pay well for the 16-20 year olds over here. It generally runs up to about an hour of work + 4 hours of "burn in" which I always give the amps I check (24 hr burn in for amps I build) to make sure, that everything is working in the most demanding situation. At about $80-100 a check, everybody wins.



      • #4
        greekie, have you repaired a bugera 1990 channel switch at your shop? mine will not switch channels either manually or with the footswitch.


        • #5
          Hi Dale,

          No the switching was never a problem. But it is not the hardest thing to find errors in. Check the voltages and how the switching operates. Once you get it, the next one will be a breeze.

