So, I'm on my second ADA MicroTube 100. The first one I got with no channels working when I was just setting out learning repairs. The second I got half working in a package deal.
Both of them do the same thing. As soon as you power them on the fuse pops. The first one is in both channels. The second is in one channel only. Does anyone have any experience with these and know if there is a common problem, or check out the schematic and give some tips? Obviously a shorted path to ground, just don't want to waste a lot of time checking individual components when someone in the know could tell me right off the bat.
Both of them do the same thing. As soon as you power them on the fuse pops. The first one is in both channels. The second is in one channel only. Does anyone have any experience with these and know if there is a common problem, or check out the schematic and give some tips? Obviously a shorted path to ground, just don't want to waste a lot of time checking individual components when someone in the know could tell me right off the bat.