I have a homebrew prototype amp I am working on And i am getting a lot of squelching sounds (heavey static on low notes also ) and one of my power tube plates is reading WAY high. This design is very roughly based on a 5y3 . One 6v6's plate is 350 ish' and the other one is all over the place and gets up to 450+v. I only have about 360 v b+ at the rectifier. I have rewired it several times and I keep getting the same thing. I move around the offending wire and the noise and heavey static gets better and worse BUT never completely goes away. I recently did a simimar build and had no problems but the chassis was 2" longer and the components were spread out more. I dont know if that has any thing to do with my problem ,just thought I would add it.
Magnetic components deluxe reverb PT
magnetic components tweed deluxe OT
Why Am I getting 450 volts when only 360 are avialable from th b+ supply?????
Magnetic components deluxe reverb PT
magnetic components tweed deluxe OT
Why Am I getting 450 volts when only 360 are avialable from th b+ supply?????