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No sound from Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue

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  • No sound from Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue

    Am I screwed?
    My 3 year old Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue does not output sound until the volume is at about 7-8. Even at full blast, the volume is very, very minimal. I took of the back panel and nothing seems to be fried or damaged. Any Idea of what this could be? Do I need to replace a tube or two? PLEASE HELP! I'm going into the studio this weekend to start recording my EP.

    I should note....I played a gig on Friday and the amp sounded amazing as usual with this one, then today (sunday) at practice all this happened??????

  • #2
    Do you own a multi meter? Sometimes a plate resistor will give out on the driver tube. There are multiple other possibilties but unless your able to get inside the amp and check some voltages (with out getting electrocuted) it's hard to say. A simple check first would be to reach under and wiggle the speaker plug and jacks.


    • #3
      I did a quick jiggle and wiggle and still nothin....Unfortunately, I do not have a multi meter. Is my best bet to just have a pro check it out?


      • #4
        Replace the tubes. If that doesn't work, the amp is still under warranty.


        • #5
          I'm sure a warranty center will need a copy of your receipt. Most companies only warranty tubes for 90 days. Otherwise seek out a repair shop. If you replace the output tubes it will need to be rebiased anyway. I think it would be easier on your pocket book to have it checked out first before you lay out big bucks for new tubes.


          • #6
            Three years on tubes in an amp that's gigged. Seems like a reasonable suggestion.

            Fender will require the receipt before approving warranty repairs (which warranty, by the way is transferable from the original owner).


            • #7
              Hi thbc3 try this free fix before you spend out on tubes. The fact that the amp showed no symptoms two days before doesn't sound likely to be a tube problem. Possible but unlikely in my experience.
              You mention it was fine at your gig on Friday. Did you use the effects loop? If so try a jumper jack to jack lead between send and return sockets. Has this fixed the problem? If yes one or both jack sockets is sprung and is remaining open circuit when you remove the plugs. These jacks are there to divert the signal that would normally flow from the preamp through the effect and back to the power amp. With nothing plugged in the signal should run direct from preamp to power amp. If my fix works and you cannot live without having the effects loop the only solution is to replace the sockets which unfortunately on these amps cannot be done without removing the circuit board which is tricky and time consuming. As you don't even possess a multimeter I am assuming you do not have the experience yourself to do this. Tube amp voltages can be very dangerous even with amp switched off and un-plugged! I would strongly recommend you get a competent amp repairer to do this for you. Good luck.

