Looking at a Randall RH50T with weak output. The caps. for the V1 & V2 heater supply are all bulging, one is leaky and the DC heater voltage is low.
I will replace them with 16V rather than the stock 10V but my question is about the circuit. With 6.3VAC feeding the bridge won't the DC out be too high (about 7.5VDC) going to V1 and V2?
I've never paid much attention to DC heater supply circuits, is this a common way of doing it?
Second question about this schematic: what is IC4 (shown to the right of the power tubes) doing? Shouldn't it's output be going somewhere?
I will replace them with 16V rather than the stock 10V but my question is about the circuit. With 6.3VAC feeding the bridge won't the DC out be too high (about 7.5VDC) going to V1 and V2?
I've never paid much attention to DC heater supply circuits, is this a common way of doing it?
Second question about this schematic: what is IC4 (shown to the right of the power tubes) doing? Shouldn't it's output be going somewhere?