I'm working on a Crate Vintage Club 20 amp. It's a 2x EL-84 amp, push-pull, cathode bias, open looped - no negative feedback. It needed lots of new tubes. After installing a matched duet of EL-84 power tubes, the power tube current draw (mAs) of the two tubes was within .2 mAs of each other, a very good match. Screen and cathode voltages were normal and exactly matched between the two tubes but the plate voltages were 15 volts from one another, V3 = 320 Vdc, V4 = 305 Vdc. First thing, I reversed the two power tubes from socket to socket but the voltages stayed as is with the corresponding sockets. I then unhooked the output transformer and did an ohmage check on the primary which appeared to be normal. I then reversed transformer primaries going to the tube's plates, as there is no neg feedback in this amp, it seemed a valid test and the plate voltages remained the same. The only components on the power tubes, besides the cathode resistor and capacitor which are common to both tubes, are 2x 100 ohm screen grid resistors both of which measure perfectly, less than 1% off. And there are 2x 1N4007 diodes that go from plate to cathode. Initially, I suspected one of these - they both measured perfectly in circuit but decided to replace them anyway. After, there was no change from the condition I'm reporting; I'm still 15 volts down on the V4 plate. I closely inspected the socket with a magnifier and re-soldered all the pins to no avail.
What stumps me is that the mAs are perfect between the tubes and everything appears to be working normally with the exception of this 15 volt plate discrepancy. I have done everything short or replacing the V4 socket which appears to be in great, almost new condition. Any ideas?
Thanks in adv,
Bob M.
What stumps me is that the mAs are perfect between the tubes and everything appears to be working normally with the exception of this 15 volt plate discrepancy. I have done everything short or replacing the V4 socket which appears to be in great, almost new condition. Any ideas?
Thanks in adv,
Bob M.