In the Marshall DSL 100 there is a cute little cap named C46. It's a little 22pF 500V number that lives, inexplicably, between the screen and plate on one tube of the power amp. It has no reason to exist and knows it. So it dies and it dies horribly. It always dies short causing a weird glidget in the scoped waveform as one quarter of the amp behaves like a triode, or it shorts and burns and arcs and damages the board so that I have to drill a hole to decarburize it. Sometimes it waits until you have already performed necessary repairs and you are performing the final, assembled, testing before finishing the ticket. It usually, if you are lucky, takes out the HT fuse. And if you are really lucky it is obvious that it has blown up and will be seen in a visual inspection.
I hate C46.
There, I feel better now.
I hate C46.
There, I feel better now.