When the volume and treble controls are at minimum on one channel, the other channel works normally. No problems. If the vol. and treble are at "normal" settings on the unused channel, and the bright switch is activated on the used channel, an insideous hum is evoked at 60cps with suspicious higher frequency noises mixed in, like tuning a radio reciever, along with a really loud "pop" noise.
Also, if the unused channel is set normally, the used channel will emit a strong "thump" when turned up in volume at the highest volume, close to 10.
All this with no signal applied, and nothing plugged into the amp.
I'm suspecting internal oscillation from the haywire approach to making internal connections in this beast.
Anybody had similar problems?
Also, if the unused channel is set normally, the used channel will emit a strong "thump" when turned up in volume at the highest volume, close to 10.
All this with no signal applied, and nothing plugged into the amp.
I'm suspecting internal oscillation from the haywire approach to making internal connections in this beast.
Anybody had similar problems?