I have a GBE 600 amp on the bench that had it's positive rail fuses blown. After replacing the fuses the amp will stay on without blowing them, however the PROTECT LED comes on. In this amp if it comes on it switches a relay open so nothing goes to the output jacks. I have since removed all the positive side power transistors and the protect led stays on. Not sure if its related but when I remove IC1 the protect LED turns off and the relay switches close. However replacing IC1 with a known working chip turns the amp back into protect mode.
Does anyone have any experience on these amps? I'm trying to figure out this protect feature is initiated so that I can then find whats turning it on. I have the schematics from Genz and will PM them if it helps. Thanks.
Does anyone have any experience on these amps? I'm trying to figure out this protect feature is initiated so that I can then find whats turning it on. I have the schematics from Genz and will PM them if it helps. Thanks.