I've got a prosonic I've been working on that's being real fun and was wondering if anyone had any advice.
Was working on the output with sine wave put into return jack got the signal looking clean to the load resistor 8 ohm. Well I moved the sinwave to the input jack and backed it off right before clipping and during this time I could hear the sine wave faintly and then it quit and d301 and d302 protection diodes on the output tubes are not any good now. Could something in the preamp section cause this ?
Was working on the output with sine wave put into return jack got the signal looking clean to the load resistor 8 ohm. Well I moved the sinwave to the input jack and backed it off right before clipping and during this time I could hear the sine wave faintly and then it quit and d301 and d302 protection diodes on the output tubes are not any good now. Could something in the preamp section cause this ?