Hey All,
I have a 91 Red Knob Fender "The Twin" that needs some pots replaced. Six to be exact but I am down to needing to find just one but its needed at 3 different locations on the amp. At Channel 1's Treble/Pull for Cut, Channel 2's Bass/Pull for Boost, & Main Volume/Channel Select. I am providing links to the exact part so maybe someone could direct me to a generic, another place that sells these OGs (in stock) or a different idea totally.
Fender Control A250K 20% Audio push-pull 0025946000
can this work
PS-Of course by this point I have talked to fender and they say nope we dont make em' anymore. I talked to darren at http://www.darrenriley.com/ he said he has seen em, touched em, taken pictures of em, even put a few in, but he aint gettin anymore in. Talked to a couple electronic supply but my knowledge there is slim so I was directed back to fender. Anyone... please help.
I have a 91 Red Knob Fender "The Twin" that needs some pots replaced. Six to be exact but I am down to needing to find just one but its needed at 3 different locations on the amp. At Channel 1's Treble/Pull for Cut, Channel 2's Bass/Pull for Boost, & Main Volume/Channel Select. I am providing links to the exact part so maybe someone could direct me to a generic, another place that sells these OGs (in stock) or a different idea totally.
Fender Control A250K 20% Audio push-pull 0025946000
can this work
PS-Of course by this point I have talked to fender and they say nope we dont make em' anymore. I talked to darren at http://www.darrenriley.com/ he said he has seen em, touched em, taken pictures of em, even put a few in, but he aint gettin anymore in. Talked to a couple electronic supply but my knowledge there is slim so I was directed back to fender. Anyone... please help.