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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
Well it does say in the PDF that Jazz P Bass linked, that the secondary wire is already grounded to transformer frame, and that mounting feet have to make good electrical contact to the chassis. black goes to output jack hot. use the ordinary metal jack (not isolated) that also makes electrical contact with the chassis
I saw your photos, connecting green and yellow to output jacks is definitely wrong. they have to be connected to your power tubes, pin 3
The red one goes to the first filter cap, I can see you routed it to the standby switch which is good, I just can't make out if the cloth covered red wire from standby switch to the main board is connected to the first filter cap, it seems to me a bit like it goes to power tubes cathode resistor/cap (300 ohm 5W one), which would be very wrong
Thanks Jazz P Bass and frus
Think everything is ready to wire was to first filter cap via standby switch. Black wire goes to output jack hot, and green and yellow to power 3.
Will try it out soon and let you know.