Got a Mesa 5:25 on the bench. Dude says it has a ghost note anytime he hits a B-note. I've played it today and, yes, it does in fact have this issue. sounds almost like it has an octaver pedal on it. It is not really super loud compared to the original note but annoying nonetheless. Funny thing is, he sent it to Mesa for this problem. Twice. And both times they basically told him he was crazy and there was nothing wrong with his amp. Does anybody have any idea where to look on this guy? I've been told to look at the last cap in the B+ before the pre-amp and Somebody else said I should cut in half the two "output" caps right after the phase inverter. Any suggestions? Thanks for looking.
P.S. I've already tried a different speaker. still does it.
P.S. I've already tried a different speaker. still does it.