I have a 1964 Fender Bandmaster..I sent it too Kendricks amps and he did some things too it new caps bias cap resoildered some spots and new diodes and tubes $464.00..The amp sounded great for a few hrs.(I play for 1 1/2 hrs every day) poof it starts sounding weak power loss distortion ,I sent it back 6 months later get my amp and it sounds great for a total of 6-7 hrs over 4-5 days...poof same thing sound weak power loss distortion..So noew I sent it to him for 8 months I get it back it sounds gray poof..but this time it sounds like the preamp or EQ or grounging problem,,Now I go to a nice guy in Orange County Ca He has it 2 months tells me its all good $235.I take it home and it is unchanged Now it is thin sounding and the bright switchs are poping real harsh distortion on the high end and WAY too much bass also he took out a few mods Kendricks did to the power..He took it back and worked on it for 4 hrs but it still sounds like crap.Can a good tech who has worked on Fenders fix the problem.If I would of let this one guy keep working on it at $75.00 per hr I might as well through it in the junk and buy a boteek amp How do you Troubleshoot a Fender amp
