As a matter of fact I did, last week. The Dagnall power transformer had given up the ghost-the secondaries were open. The problem is that Dagnall folded its doors forever in 2009. I posted a question on the Classic Tone (Magnetic Components) FB page and was advised that they are working up a replacement transformer that should go into production relatively soon as they are already making a replacement transformer for the 50w version. What makes the transformer unique is the 15v winding for the ss devices.
I was very lucky to have located a used one. MM has a replacement "Fat Stack" which is north of $300 but I do not know whether they have a stock replacement in production, still, likely to be pricey. I would post a wanted on the Marshall boards for a used one that's been swapped out for the Fat Stack. Korg is no longer handling Marshall amps, that has been given over to a freestanding entity Marshall USA, you could maybe get one through them but I suspect the price will be high-ish.