I've recently been getting into building and fixing tube amps, though I have some background in electronics. I've read in many places that for guitar tube amp maintenance, when using an o-scope an audio generator is preferable than a function generator due to the lower distortion on the audio generator, but other people say that with tube amps it doesn't matter either way because their THD is so high anyway.
Is there a benefit in using an audio generator, say for example with 0.02% distortion over a function generator with 1% distortion? Part of the reason I ask is because there are some pretty cheap DDS function generators that would save me some money instead of buying a half-decent audio generator. But at the same time, if an audio generator would be better in the long run, then it's worth spending the extra money.
Thanks for the feedback.
Is there a benefit in using an audio generator, say for example with 0.02% distortion over a function generator with 1% distortion? Part of the reason I ask is because there are some pretty cheap DDS function generators that would save me some money instead of buying a half-decent audio generator. But at the same time, if an audio generator would be better in the long run, then it's worth spending the extra money.
Thanks for the feedback.