Well I just had my first "real" problem. A new SE amp build, single EL34 with JMP front end, @ 430 plate voltage and fixed bias. Got it all fired up and running well, was testing it flat-out when pffft, sound crapped out, a little puff of smoke and horrible smell. Shut it down quick, and I can;t see anything wrong at all inside the chassis. New Micalex tube socket, the socket or tube arced between pin 2 and pin 3. Nice toasty carbon track on tube and on face of socket. Now: why would it do this? My soldering is very clean, wiring is all very well separated, nothing touching or making intermittent contact etc. I will mention this is an older tube, branded "NAtional Electronics 6CA7" and "Made in West Germany." I believe this means it is a Siemens? Anyway, I'm wondering (1) if this seems more like a situation where the tube itself arced and then burned the socket, or (2) are there operating conditions that I don't know about which may promote arcing between the heater and plate?
Any information or opinion appreciated!
Any information or opinion appreciated!