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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
I think your best bet is British Audio Service, Inc. */*Trace Elliot*Transistors
British Audio Service.. they have been servicing these things for years
Don't think you'll have much luck with matching however.
The only way seems to be if you buy a heap and match them yourself.. very expensive !
They are made by Semelab and the main distributor (I think) is the Welsh (UK) company
Farnell now known as Element 14 but distributed in the US by Newark.
Thanks for the info, I have a few questions, I haven't worked on SS stuff in quite some time, only tube amplifiers.
The Trace Elliot schematics and parts list show either the BUZ900 or BUZ901 905/906, the difference being drain source voltage 160 vs 200 vdc.
What difference if any would this make??
The 901/906 is available in either TO-3 or TO-247 (P version).
I want to stay with the to-3 package for obvious reasons so I don't want to use the P version.
Newark has the BUZ901/906 on sale for less than $10.00.
So it appears if British Audio doesn't sort them what would be the difference if I purchased direct from Newark? (I know about 8 bucks)!
The fault was one of the 901's appeared shorted. No other collateral damage apparent, nothing burnt or out of spec.
I plan on the "shotgun" repair of the board, replacing -ALL- semiconductors on the board.
What else do I need to know? I don't want to do this twice! I want it off my bench and into happy land never to return.
If you remove the shorted MOSFET, the thing should run and drive a load, though the minimum load impedance will be doubled. You can test it this way to see if anything else needs replacing.
I'd buy the ones from Newark and not worry about matching too much. These are lateral MOSFETs, they self balance to an extent. Just get a complete set, don't mix new ones with old ones on the same side.
The drain-source voltage rating has to exceed the sum of the rail voltages in your amp, plus a little headroom for safety. If it runs off +/-55V, that would be a total of 110, so the 160V parts would do.
"Enzo, I see that you replied parasitic oscillations. Is that a hypothesis? Or is that your amazing metal band I should check out?"