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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tom Phillips View Post

    I recently found some you tube videos by “Alan W2AEW” that I think do a good job explaining how to use oscilloscopes. One nice feature of his videos is that he is using real world circuits for his demos and he explains how the circuit works so you can relate to the signal displayed on the scope. This is much nicer than just running a signal generator into the scope.

    Here are some links to the videos. If these don’t do it for you they will still be good jumping off points to other links covering all technical levels.

    AC/DC Coupling Controls: AC / DC Coupling on an Oscilloscope - YouTube
    Oscilloscope Triggering Controls and Their usage: Tektronix Oscilloscope Triggering controls and their usage - YouTube
    AUTO Trigger Mode Explained: Oscilloscope AUTO Triggering explained - YouTube
    ALT/CHOP/ADD/INVERT Vertical Modes: Analog oscilloscope ALT, CHOP, ADD, INVERT vertical controls - YouTube
    Basics of 1X/10X Probes: Basic 1X and 10X Oscilloscope Probe tutorial - YouTube
    ...and there are more.

    Thanks for the info -
    Electronics is fairly new to me. I have no formal education. Just glean what I can from books by guys like Merlin, and posts on forums like yours.
    I have an inexpensive, dual trace, B&K scope scope, but I rarely use it because of lack of knowledge.
    I have more cause now.
    Thank You
    do we live near each other by any chance.....Best


    • #17
      I built a low power Fender Twin last year that would oscillate like wild evry time I turned the amp up past 2. I spent about a month trying to figure out where it was coming from and basically resoldered everything at least twice and couldn't get rid of it. I picked up a great Tektronix 475 scope on ebay for $125 with shipping, still within the calibration period. The day it came I spent about an hour playing with it then it took me about 10 minutes to trace it to an incorrect cap value on the treble pot (.1 instead of .01). As far as I was concerned it paid for itself that day.

      My take on buying them on ebay is that it is not a problem, just watch who you buy them from and make sure they accept returns. There are a bunch of businesses on there that actually buy, test and refurbish them and know what they are doing. You'll pay a little more but it's worth it. There is one seller that I buy from and have gotten my scope, a Tek DMM, Function Generator, and recently a B&K dual metered variac from him. All great deals and great instruments with 30 day guarantees. Just do your research before you buy. There are plenty of ham radio guys on the web with tutorials on what to look for and basics for using them.


      • #18
        I have had a few different scopes.
        My mentor 'gave me' (now I owe him) a Tektronix TDS320 digital scope.
        What an awesome piece of test equipment.
        What it can display, (numerically in there own window) is incredible.
        I have it set to display the top & bottom 'width' voltage, the frequency & the True RMS voltage.
        Truly a work of art!


        • #19
          Originally posted by trem View Post
 we live near each other by any chance.....Best
          Not really. About 350 miles as the roads go.
          Enjoy the scope use.

