Hello - I'm troubleshooting a SWR 550x, I've checked all power transistors, their 5W resistors, and their drivers - they all pass diode testing on the meter - but right now there is positive rail voltage on the speaker output. I have preamp disconnected, only power rails to poweramp. I'm assuming the bias circuit is gone? I measure full 100v rail voltage across all of Q4 B-C-E. I checked all diodes, I don't see any burnt resistors, I have checked all around the bias area and they measure OK. I only have not tested Q16 and Q4 since I have to disassemble further, I'm assuming one is bad? What should the voltages around Q4 be roughly, and what is the bias procedure? What should the C of Q16 be putting out also?
550x-750x Power Amp Rev E.pdf
550x-750x Power Amp Rev E.pdf