This one has me really bent. My personal amp started making crackle and static noises that happen with, but don't interrupt normal operation. These noises only happen from C to C# and any cent interval in between with 50 cents right between being the worst. The first thing I tried was a tube swap with no effect. This only happens with the chassis in the cabinet. Once I remove the chassis I have no problem to diagnose. Vibration? Nope. I plugged into an external cab and I get the same results. Chassis in amp bad, chassis out fine. Also, the amp doesn't need to be loud nor do the strings need to be plucked hard for the problem to present. But to difinitively rule out vibration I poked every component and lead in the amp with no effect. With the chassis in the cab I induced the problem and damped each tube with no change. I even took the chassis and placed it directly in front of the external cab with no problem. Put the chassis back in the cab and the problem is back no matter what speaker I plug into. So, thinking the shield in the cab may be part of the equation I place a sheet of the same shielding that is in the cab on the open chassis with no change. Smacked it around, no change. To further test what I could with the amp in the chassis I scoped the output at the effects loop send and the speaker output. A little voltage spike peppering the waveform is visible at both. I haven't been able to get my signal generator to induce the problem. It only happens with a guitar. I tried the guitar with another amp of the same schematic with no problem. Prior to this the amp has always worked fine since I built it four years ago.
Sorry for the long explaination but I thought it might save on redundant Q&A.
Realizing I was at standstill I actually smiled. A little happy in a sick, wierd way to have such an unusual problem.
Sorry for the long explaination but I thought it might save on redundant Q&A.
Realizing I was at standstill I actually smiled. A little happy in a sick, wierd way to have such an unusual problem.