Hi all, I'm about to rebuild the output of this amp. When I acquired this amp, I was told it wasn't working. I started it up on a light bulb and it was doing fine it dimmed as if there wasn't a short until I flipped off the current limit, then there was smoke and a little flame, ouch. These components are visibly burned; Q309 310 311 313 and R317. So, I am going to replace these and the ouput transistors. The previous tech used for Q314-7 2SC5200 for the D2155 and for Q318-321 2SA1943 for B1429 on the schematic.
My question, are these a good substitute for the originals?
And, what are good subs for the other transistors that are burnt?
Are the originals obsolete or are they specifically made for hartke?
My question, are these a good substitute for the originals?
And, what are good subs for the other transistors that are burnt?
Are the originals obsolete or are they specifically made for hartke?