Building a 5E3 clone on an old Hammond 6v6 push-pull chassis. Chassis is unidentified, just using the steel box and the power transformer. No ID markings on the transformer except for a hand written date, 7-17-51. Power transformer gets very hot very quick when power tubes are in and standby switch is in the operating position. The tranny puts out 340vac, and I'm using a 5y3 rectifier tube. With 6v6 tubes in, I read 426B+, 405 plate vdc and 396 on the screens(pin4). I read 27 vdc at the cathodes with a 400 ohm cathode resistor. The amp uses a 25uf bypass cap I have a 100 ohm pot in cathode section so I can adjust between 400-500ohms. That gives me about 3v adjustment. The heater windings read 5.6 and 7.8, with the 7.8 sagging to about 7.3 with all tubes in. The transformer gets very hot and started to smoke a little after about 5 minutes of operation. The amp has a quite a bit of hum but sounds excellent and very loud with a guitar plugged in. I have two pairs of old made in USA blackplate 6v6's, one pair is RCA and one pair is labeled Hammond, made in USA. The tubes have tested ok and are in fair to good condition. Same problem with each pair of tubes, though the plate and screen voltages are a little lower with the rca's. The primary of the power tfx has 3 leads, which I shall call blk1, blk2 and brn. Blk1-blk2 reads 4.7ohm dcr, Blk2-brn reads 5.1ohm dcr. Blk1-brn reads 0.9ohm dcr. I have blk1 and blk2 hooked up to the AC mains, and brn not hooked to anything. At first I thought that the problem may be a filament short, but the tranny had no problems just running tube heaters, as soon as the standby switch is engaged in the operate position(standby switch opens and closes 2ndry ctr tap to gnd) the tranny heats up very quick. Not quite sure which primary leads are meant to be hooked up to the ac120 mains. yep, i'm a noob.
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Please Help!