Howdy folks. I am troubleshooting an HR Deville that is red-plating when a signal is applied. When Idling the bias is stable at 60mv. However, when I apply a 4mv 1khz signal to the amp with all pots mid way it spikes very quickly into the 100-200 and up and doesn't come back down? Any ideas?
I think I have ruled out all the easy stuff. Tubes, dirty pots, dirty jacks (jumpered the pre out and power in). DC voltages seem to be correct. I even checked the coupling caps that go from the PI to the Power tubes. I should also say when I first got the amp V1 was bad so it wasn't making any noise. Replaced that, now the preamp appears to be working. When I plug directly in to the power out, I don't get much of anything. Thanks in advance!
I think I have ruled out all the easy stuff. Tubes, dirty pots, dirty jacks (jumpered the pre out and power in). DC voltages seem to be correct. I even checked the coupling caps that go from the PI to the Power tubes. I should also say when I first got the amp V1 was bad so it wasn't making any noise. Replaced that, now the preamp appears to be working. When I plug directly in to the power out, I don't get much of anything. Thanks in advance!