I'd appreciate a bit of help understanding that little devil the EF86.
With a 12AX7 triode the cathode voltage tells a lot about its operation - one or two volts on there and all is probably well with it. Checking for DC on the grid, and voltage drop across the plate resistor, also helpful signs. What sort of ballpark things might we look for around an EF86 in circuit to make sure it's operating right? Sorry if it's a stoopid question...
With a 12AX7 triode the cathode voltage tells a lot about its operation - one or two volts on there and all is probably well with it. Checking for DC on the grid, and voltage drop across the plate resistor, also helpful signs. What sort of ballpark things might we look for around an EF86 in circuit to make sure it's operating right? Sorry if it's a stoopid question...